Wiki source code of Версия 1.0.0

Last modified by writer on 2024/02/07 15:10

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1 ==== Publish date: 02.24.2021 ====
3 * The function of transferring insertion points for contours implemented.
4 * A geometric elements transformation added (moving along specified coordinates, scaling, rotating, mirroring).
5 * Saving the last used licensing device after restarting the program implemented.
6 * Improved usability of the main work area.
7 * PUMOTIX min compatible version of changes to 3.4.1.x.
8 * [[full changelog ...>>doc:xwiki:Руководство пользователя PUMOTIX CAM.История обновлений.Версия 1\.0\.0.1\.0\.0 en\.html.WebHome]]