Last modified by writer on 2025/03/12 13:24

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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 1 === 1. Download and install the program from the website **[[>>]]**. ===
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 3 To do this, hover your mouse over the download button and select PUMOTIX CAM. The program will start downloading automatically.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 5 [[image:1738924450941-908.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​​
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 7 Install the program, step by step
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9 (% style="text-align: center;" %)
Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 10 [[image:2020-08-12 10_55_01-Select Setup Language.png||height="150" width="292"]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​​(%%)→[[image:1738925326059-116.png]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​​(%%)→[[image:1738925302526-371.png]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​​(%%)→[[image:1738925375234-481.png]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​​
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 12 After installation is complete, the program shortcut will appear on your desktop. Run the program and wait for it to load.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 14 [[image:1738932914894-752.png]]
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 16 === 2. Features available at first launch. ===
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 18 After launching the program, let's study its capabilities. Without an active license, you can perform the following actions:
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 20 1. Import one DXF file.
21 [[image:1738926931890-693.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​​
22 1. Adding basic elements from the library (rectangle, line, polygon, and circle).
23 [[image:1738927109044-991.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" height="500" width="290"]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​​
24 1. Editing the quantity of parts by changing the “Count” setting, as well as duplicating and deleting selected elements.
25 [[image:1738928378010-640.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​(%%)(((
26 [[image:1738928501380-777.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​​
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 28 1. Button “Block element actions” allows you to lock the current layout to make further changes.
29 [[image:1738928649497-904.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​
30 1. Кнопка "Переноса точки врезания" позволяет перенести точку врезания(что бы кнопка была активна должна быть настроена траектория).[[image:1741351295001-906.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]После нажатия на кнопку она подсветится (как на фото), что говорит о переходе в режим редактирования точки врезания. При наведении на траекторию, появиться возможность перенести точку врезания, что бы подтвердить место новой точки врезания нажимаем левой кнопкой мыши. Для того чтобы выйти из режима редактирования врезания, необходимо снова нажать на кнопку.
Edgar Allan Poe 53.5 31
Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 32 (% id="cke_bm_1276C" style="display:none" %) (%%) [[image:2025_03_07_14_33_30_PUMOTIX_CAM.png||alt="2020-08-12 10_55_01-Select Setup Language.png" height="357" width="450"]]​​→[[image:1741349545894-395.png||height="352" width="450"]] ​​​
Edgar Allan Poe 53.5 33
Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 34 (% id="cke_bm_1195C" style="display:none" %) (% contenteditable="false" style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]]
Edgar Allan Poe 53.6 36 (% start="6" %)
Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 37 1. Кнопка "Редактировать выбранные элементы" позволяет изменять параметры размещённых элементов: положение, масштаб и поворот.[[image:2025_03_07_15_52_30_PUMOTIX_CAM.png||alt="1741350258211-527.png" data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" height="766" width="1000"]]
38 1. Selecting the size and type of sheet, using the built-in library and the ability to edit it. (((
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 40 (% aria-label="1738929325233-796.png image widget" data-widget="image" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1738929325233-796.png]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)​(% aria-label="1738929325233-796.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" style="background:url(~"") rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.5); left:0px; top:-15px" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​(%%)   (% aria-label="1738929378111-411.png image widget" data-widget="image" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1738929378111-411.png||height="400" width="243"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)​(% aria-label="1738929378111-411.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​
writer 1.1 41 )))
Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 42 1. Manual placement allows you to move parts around the sheet. This function takes into account the different number of selected parts, as well as the correctness of the layout (when the trajectories intersect, the parts are highlighted in red).
43 (% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​(% aria-label="1738932812931-402.png image widget" data-widget="image" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1738932812931-402.png]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)​(% aria-label="1738932812931-402.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" tabindex="-1" title="Нажмите и растяните" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]]
44 1. Changing the layout density in the menu “Configuration” → “Settings” → “Nesting”. The parameter set minimum distance between elements.
45 (% aria-label="1739166778101-357.png image widget" data-widget="image" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1739166778101-357.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" height="416" width="800"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)​(% aria-label="1739166778101-357.png image widget" data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" contenteditable="false" role="region" style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​
46 1. Filling in the tool library.
47 (% aria-label="1739167675586-133.png image widget" data-widget="image" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1739167675586-133.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" height="411" width="800"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)​(% aria-label="1739167675586-133.png image widget" data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" contenteditable="false" role="region" style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​
48 1. Adding operation.
49 (% aria-label="1739167983408-580.png image widget" data-widget="image" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1739167983408-580.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" height="500" width="458"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)​(% aria-label="1739167983408-580.png image widget" data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" contenteditable="false" role="region" style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 51 If you don't have a permit for some operation, the program will notify you about it.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 53 [[image:1739168510314-517.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]](% title="Нажмите и растяните" %)​
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 55 === 3. Connecting the controller, activation trials. ===
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 57 To access the full functionality, you need to link PUMOTIX CAM with your existing PLCM controller. To do this:
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 59 * download and install the latest version of PUMOTIX CNC **3.7.0** from the website ([[direct link to download>>url:]] the archive with the software);
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 61 {{error title="Compatibility of versions"}}
62 PUMOTIX CNC version must be at least 3.4.0.xxxxx
writer 1.1 63 {{/error}}
Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 65 * run PUMOTIX CNC and select PLCM controller from the list. Wait for the device firmware to be updated.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 67 Select in the menu “Configuration” → “Settings”. On general tab you can see the list of devices. Select the controller that was updated in PUMOTIX in the previous step.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 69 [[image:1739183718650-985.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" height="400" width="827"]]
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 71 {{error title="**Attention!**"}}
72 If an error occurs while connecting the controller, follow the prompts that appear to resolve the error.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 75 For full use, use trials by activating them in the “License Manager” (menu item “Configuration”). If you needed feature, you can always purchase them on our website ([[>>]]).
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 77 [[image:1739183930471-692.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" height="500" width="700"]]
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 79 === 4. Creating G Code. ===
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 81 In order to download the control program to a file or send it to the CNC system, the “Using CAM basic functions” option is required.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 83 Main feature, PUMOTIX CAM — it is fully integrated with PUMOTIX, which allows you to open the program directly in the CNC system with just a few clicks. This reduces the number of unnecessary files and greatly speeds up the workflow.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 85 The capabilities in PUMOTIX CAM allow you to generate a file and select actions after post-processing:
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 87 * open file;
88 * open folder;
89 * continue.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 91 [[image:1739191236975-762.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 93 All additional post processor settings (e.g., the path to save the file, set the file name) you can find in menu  “Configuration” → “Settings” → “G Code”.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 95 [[image:1739192338588-599.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" height="400" width="769"]]
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 97 === 5. Additional examples of using full functionality, PUMOTIX CAM. ===
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 99 Each option introduced expands the functionality of the program for more convenient and complete use.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 101 For example, the activated option “Extended built-in library of standard parts” allows you to use more complex parts, such as a bearing, a star, a frame, etc. All basic elements contain a set of editable parameters.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 103 [[image:1739194926954-232.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" height="513" width="300"]]
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 105 Another example would be the “Simple auto nesting”, which activates the “Nesting” button on the main screen, allowing parts to be nested automatically based on the specified sheet dimensions.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 107 [[image:1739196020035-100.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" height="513" width="300"]]
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 109 Also pay attention to the notification window, which even when minimized will not allow you to miss system information. The window opening icon reflects the number of unviewed messages if the window was closed for some reason.
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 111 [[image:1739252597517-493.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" height="199" width="380"]]
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 113 === 6. If you still have questions or any problems… ===
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 115 You can use “Help” → “Technical support request”, generate a report with diagnostic information and send it by email to [[>>]] with a detailed description of the issue.
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117 [[image:2020-08-12 15_40_26-Поддержка.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" height="452" width="450"]]
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Edgar Allan Poe 62.1 119 Learn more about how to generate and submit a report:  [[“PUMOTIX CAM Diagnostic Information Report”>>doc:Руководство пользователя PUMOTIX CAM.Ответы на типовые вопросы пользователей.Отчет с диагностической информацией PUMOTIX CAM.WebHome]]