Last modified by writer on 2022/11/03 15:14

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1 ==== Publish date: 10.27.2022 ====
3 * Added vertically oriented monitors (vertical interface) support for the 6-axis milling module.
4 * Simple mathematical operations for input fields on Settings and input fields for coords on Main window implemented.
5 * Added additional options for the axes settings (inversion of jogs, forced homing).
6 * A [[macro for calculating the dz value of an ohmic sensor>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание M-кодов.Примеры макросов.Макросы для омического датчика.WebHome]] has been added to the documentation.
7 * An optional blocking of jogs without homing implemented.
8 * [[full changelog ...>>doc:.3\.5\.1 ru\.html.WebHome]]