Last modified by writer on 2023/09/08 19:05

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writer 5.2 1 ===== bool PinGetState (number periphId) =====
knetyaga 1.1 2
writer 5.2 3 Getting the current state of an input or output.
knetyaga 1.1 4
writer 5.2 5 Options:
knetyaga 1.1 6
writer 5.2 7 * number periphId - input or output identifier (one of the constants defined in the **[[Inputs>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание M-кодов.Описание функций макроязыка.Входы и выходы.WebHome||rel="nofollow" shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;"]]** или **[[Outputs>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание M-кодов.Описание функций макроязыка.Входы и выходы.WebHome||rel="nofollow" shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;"]] **list should be passed as this parameter).
knetyaga 1.1 8
writer 5.2 9 Return value:
knetyaga 1.1 10
writer 5.2 11 * the current state of the input (output): true - active, false - inactive (if the "Invert" checkbox is selected in the output settings, the physical output corresponds to the physical signal level 0, and vice versa).
knetyaga 1.1 12
writer 5.2 13 ===== bool MotorPinGetState (number motorId, number motorPeriphId) =====
knetyaga 1.1 14
writer 5.2 15 Getting the current state of the input or output assigned to the motor.
knetyaga 1.1 16
writer 5.2 17 Options:
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writer 5.2 19 * number motorId - motor number, starting from 0, in the order of the motors in the list of //[["Motor Parameters">>doc:Руководство пользователя.Настройка ПО.Настройка двигателей.WebHome||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;"]]//;
knetyaga 1.1 20
writer 5.2 21 * number motorPeriphId – input or output identifier for the specified motor (one of the constants defined in the **[[MotorInputs>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание M-кодов.Описание функций макроязыка.Входы и выходы.WebHome||rel="nofollow" shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;"]]** or **[[MotorOutputs>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание M-кодов.Описание функций макроязыка.Входы и выходы.WebHome||rel="nofollow" shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;"]] **list should be passed as this parameter).
knetyaga 1.1 22
writer 5.2 23 Return value:
knetyaga 1.1 24
writer 5.2 25 * current state of the motor input (output): true - active, false - inactive (if the “Invert” checkbox is selected in the output settings, the physical output corresponds to the physical signal level 0, and vice versa).
knetyaga 1.1 26
writer 5.2 27 ===== void PinSetState (number periphId, bool state) =====
knetyaga 1.1 28
writer 5.2 29 Set output status.
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writer 5.2 31 Options:
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writer 5.2 33 * number periphId - output identifier (one of the constants defined in the **[[Outputs>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание M-кодов.Описание функций макроязыка.Входы и выходы.WebHome||rel="nofollow" shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;"]] **list should be passed as this parameter);
knetyaga 1.1 34
writer 5.2 35 * bool state – the state of the output that needs to be set: true - active, false - inactive (if the "Invert" checkbox is selected in the output settings, the physical output corresponds to a physical signal level of 0, and vice versa).
knetyaga 1.1 36
writer 5.2 37 ===== double GetAnalogInput (number index) =====
knetyaga 1.1 38
writer 5.2 39 Getting an analog input value (from 0 to 1) as real number.
knetyaga 1.1 40
writer 5.2 41 Options:
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writer 5.2 43 * number index – analog input number (starts from 0).
knetyaga 1.1 44
writer 5.2 45 Return value:
knetyaga 1.1 46
writer 5.2 47 * analog input value (from 0 to 1).
knetyaga 1.1 48
writer 5.2 49 ===== int GetAnalogInputsCount () =====
knetyaga 1.1 50
writer 5.2 51 Getting an analog inputs count available for used motion controller.
53 Return value:
55 * count of available analog inputs.