Last modified by writer on 2023/09/06 14:34

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1 **Yes, it is possible.**
3 Moreover, all Home sensors can be connected to one input. But in order for the PUMOTIX system to correctly handle such a connection, you need to change the homing strategy to a serial one axis.
5 By default, in PUMOTIX, when you click the "Homing and Zero" button, the home is first searched for on the Z axis, and then simultaneously on all other axes. In addition, some additional modifications of the homing algorithm are available to users, according to which the homing works ((% style="color:#8d69b2" %)**M114**(%%)). You can select an executable modification from the [["Tool" settings tab>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Настройка ПО.Настройки инструмента.WebHome]].
7 [[Homing algorithm selection block in settings>>image:Homing_Parameters_en.png||alt="Homing Parameters" data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
9 The following modifications are provided to users:
11 1. //"Z-axis homing, then simultaneous homing of the axes"// — the Z axis will be homed first, then all other axes at the same time (this option is used by default);
12 1. //"Sequential homing starting from the Z axis"// — sequentially in the following order: ZXYABCUVW;
13 1. //"Simultaneous homing of all axes"// — all axes move to the home sensors simultaneously.