Is It Possible in PUMOTIX to Connect Two Axes to One Pin Home?
Last modified by writer on 2023/09/06 14:34
Yes, it is possible.
Moreover, all Home sensors can be connected to one input. But in order for the PUMOTIX system to correctly handle such a connection, you need to change the homing strategy to a serial one axis.
By default, in PUMOTIX, when you click the "Homing and Zero" button, the home is first searched for on the Z axis, and then simultaneously on all other axes. In addition, some additional modifications of the homing algorithm are available to users, according to which the homing works (M114). You can select an executable modification from the "Tool" settings tab.

Homing algorithm selection block in settings
The following modifications are provided to users:
- "Z-axis homing, then simultaneous homing of the axes" — the Z axis will be homed first, then all other axes at the same time (this option is used by default);
- "Sequential homing starting from the Z axis" — sequentially in the following order: ZXYABCUVW;
- "Simultaneous homing of all axes" — all axes move to the home sensors simultaneously.