Last modified by writer on 2022/11/02 12:33

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1 In order for the answers of our technical support to be complete and prompt, it is necessary immediately after the occurrence of the problem to create an archive with diagnostic information and attach it to the message or e-mail. The archive contains a wealth of information valuable to a technical support employee. In particular, the archive contains the current settings of the machine, the complete state of the system, for example, the offset and rotation of the coordinate system, the selected tool, and, of course, the latest entries in the system event log. According to these data, a technical support employee will be able to figure out what was happening in the system without asking you additional questions.
3 {{warning}}
4 Your personal data is not transferred or processed when you sending a request to technical support!
5 {{/warning}}
7 **How to create an archive with diagnostic information?**
9 1. Go to the menu item "Help" → "Technical Support Request."(((
10 (% style="text-align:center" %)
11 [[image:technical_support_request_menu.png||alt="2019-07-22 10_38_14-PUMOTIX x64 (Администратор).png" height="100" width="401"]]
12 )))
13 1. In the window that opens, click "Prepare Data". Report preparation can take from a few seconds to one minute. Please wait until step 1 is completed.(((
14 (% style="text-align:center" %)
15 [[image:technical_support_request_prepare_data.png||alt="image2019-11-11_8-50-21.png" height="400" width="412"]]
16 )))
17 1. After the message that the report has been successfully generated appears, click "Send via E-mail to". The technical support e-mail address is already entered in the field with the recipient address.(((
18 (% style="text-align:center" %)
19 [[image:technical_support_request_send.png||alt="image2019-11-11_8-49-1.png" height="400" width="412"]]
20 )))
22 If you have already prepared an e-mail, you can find the generated logs via the "Open folder" button.