Исходный код вики 3.5.0 en.html

Редактировал(а) writer 2022/08/22 14:51

Последние авторы
1 1. Added new [[window for macros and background operations managing>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание M-кодов.Управление макросами и фоновыми операциями.WebHome]].
2 1. Calling [[dialog messages from macros>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание M-кодов.Описание функций макроязыка.Диалоговые окна макросов PUMOTIX.WebHome]] in PUMOTIX implemented.
3 1. Added accounting for the currently selected tool for "Quick start G-Code from an arbitrary line" feature.
4 1. Updated firmware for PX1 motion controller. The logic of outputs initialization has been changed.
5 1. Added configuration recovery window. "Import" button logic changed.
6 1. Program macros count for pendant and hotkey is extended.
7 1. An optional blocking of jogs without homing has been implemented.
8 1. The blocking of changes in the state of server outputs has been implemented.
9 1. Added displaying dimensions of the G-code.
10 1. Added changes in License Manager (end time for limited license view, dependent features view, notifications about expiring features and trials).
11 1. Added minor changes to G-code loading algorithm.
12 1. API for macros and background operations is extended.
13 1. Minor fixes and improvements.
15 [[Full release notes ...>>doc:Руководство пользователя.История обновлений.WebHome]]