Description of Input and Output Signals of the Oxy-Fuel Cutting Module

Last modified by writer on 2022/08/26 15:27

Description of input signals

  • Estop – emergency stop signal;
  • Estop2 – second emergency stop signal, completely similar to the first. Allows to simplify the wiring of the machine, if the alarm signals from the sensors have different levels of operation;
  • EstopMPG – emergency stop signal received from MPG pendant (hardware signal support required);
  • Probing – signal from a probing sensor (material surface sensor);
  • Probing2 – additional probing sensor signal;
  • Probing3 – additional probing sensor signal;
  • Stop – signal "Stop" or "Collision", machine stop without loss of coordinates;
  • Door – an input signaling the open door of the protective cabin (It stops the execution of the G-Code when triggered. It differs from the Stop input in that when the Door signal is active, G-code can be executed manually through the MDI window and torch control);
  • START – signal "Start" of the G-code;
  • TorchDetachment – signal "Torch Detachment";
  • OxyFlameSensor – flame sensor signal;
  • OxyExternalZLimitHight – signal of the sensor of the upper upper position of the carriage for the autonomous Z axis;
  • UserInput_0 - UserInput_14 – user input signals for use in PUMOTIX macros.

Description of output signals

  • OxyFiringGas – gas valve control signal for auto ignition;
  • OxyFiringSpark – control signal of a spark gap (candle) auto-ignition;
  • OxyPreheatOxy – control signal for the warm oxygen supply valve;
  • OxyPreheatGas – control signal for the heating gas supply valve;
  • OxyCuttingOxy – control signal for the valve supplying cutting (purge) oxygen;
  • OxyRegUpOutput – a signal to raise the autonomous Z axis up (UP);
  • OxyRegDownOutput – signal to lower the autonomous Z axis down (DOWN);
  • OxyActiveOutput – control signal for adjusting the height Z of the autonomous axis (Auto/Manual);
  • EstopState – signals that the system is in the off state or in the emergency stop state;
  • IdleState – signals that the system is idle;
  • RunningState – signals that the system is busy and is moving along the path;
  • OxyModeActive – signals that the system is in the "Oxy-fuel cutting" mode;
  • ChargePump – presence of the Charge Pump signal;
  • OxyCuttingActive – signals that the machine is in cutting mode (torch active);
  • OxyPropane – output propane valve;
  • UserOutput_1 - UserOutput_14 – user output signals for use in PUMOTIX macros.