Ways to Control The Z-axis And Feed

Last modified by writer on 2024/07/23 19:42

PUMOTIX module supports two main cutting control modes with the Plasma Cutting:

  1. Z axis and cutting feed control mode from cutting process parameters in PUMOTIX;
  2. Z-axis and cutting feed control mode from G-code.
Cutting control from PUMOTIX process parameters

Any Z-axis and F-feed control commands from G-code are ignored when this mode is activated. This mode allows you to fully control the plasma cutting process, setting all operating parameters directly in the program window («Process Parameters» tab). For example, the following set of commands is found in NC file:

N0030 G21 (Units: Metric)
N0040 G90 G91.1 G40
N0050 F1
N0060 M101
N0070 G00 Z10.0000
N0080 G00 X75.8800 Y410.0000
N0090 M100
N0100 G00 Z3.0000
N0110 M03
N0120 G00 Z1.5000
N0130 G02 X75.8800 Y410.0000 I0.0000 J55.8800 F3000
N0140 M05

In this example, the Z axis control commands (ascent to the breakdown height and descent to the working height), as well as setting the cutting feed to 3000 units will be ignored by the program.

N0100 G00 Z3.0000
N0120 G00 Z1.5000
N0130 G02 X75.8800 Y410.0000 I0.0000 J55.8800 F3000

To operate the system in this mode, two standard control commands in G-code are sufficient — М03/М04 macros and М05 macros. Thus, no additional parameters in the NC file are required, which allows the use of any standard post-processor for CAM systems with М03/М04 and М05 commands.

Cutting control from G-code

This mode provides control of cutting feed, as well as movements of the Z axis directly from the G-code. It is advisable to use this mode in conjunction with cutting rules in a CAM program, from which the finished G-code for PUMOTIX will then be downloaded. Most CAM systems support the installation and configuration of contour rules (cutting rules). Even at the stage of generating a cutting operation, you can configure decelerations before passing sharp turns of the contour, insert macros for enabling and disabling regulation, raising the cutter to a safe height, etc. Thus, the resulting G-code will contain a certain list of commands to control the feed and movements of the Z axis, which PUMOTIX will execute when executing the NC program. When this cutting control mode is selected, lines

N0100 G00 Z3.0000
N0120 G00 Z1.5000 F100
N0130 G02 X75.8800 Y410.0000 I0.0000 J55.8800 F3000

will not be ignored. The system will perform the rise to the breakdown height Z3.000 , turn on the torch and move the Z axis to the coordinate of the working height Z1.1500 specified in the G-code. In line N0130 the contour will be cut with a feed of 3000 units/min.

Please note that in this mode the following parameter values ​​from the «Process Parameters» tab will be ignored:
• cutting speed;
• pierce height;
• cutting height;
• rapid moves height.

It is worth noting that in this mode the M3 command does not perform probing. It just turns on the torch. To perform probing, it is necessary to place the М100 command before the М3 command, which only performs probing without actually striking the arc.