Spindle Settings

Last modified by writer on 2023/06/14 14:21

On the “Spindle” tab, you can set the parameters of discrete or analog spindle control.

The delay after turning on means the waiting time after executing the command to turn on the spindle (M3) and before continuing with the NC. Similarly, the delay after shutdown means the waiting time after executing the spindle shutdown command (M5) and before continuing with the NC. Also in the General Spindle Parameters the input of the spindle activity check signal can be assigned, can be set such parameters as the resolution of the spindle encoder (for some devices) and auto spindle turn off on "Stop" command.

“Spindle” Tab

“Spindle” Tab

Discrete Spindle control settings

For discrete spindle control the parameters “Spindle CW signal” and “Spindle CCW signal” can be adjusted. In this fields the outputs are assigned by which the spindle rotates clockwise and counterclockwise, respectively.

Analog Spindle Control (PWM) settings

For analog spindle control you can configure the "PWM signal" output for spindle RPM control and "Dir signal" output that determines the direction of rotation, as well as the minimum and maximum rotation speed and PWM duty cycle can be set.

Step/Dir Spindle control settings

In this control mode, the tab displays the motors assigned to the spindle axis.


The motor parameters are edited on the "Motors" tab!

To control the spindle by Step/Dir interface can be set such parameters as spindle acceleration value, the number of Step pulses for turning the spindle by 1 degree, the minimum and maximum rotation speed. Additionally, automatic calculation of delays for spindle spin-up and spin-down can be enabled.

External spindle control settings

Maximum and minimum rotation speed settings are available for external spindle control.