Description of the Input and Output Signals of the Milling Module

Last modified by writer on 2023/02/08 19:29

Input signals used in the milling module:

  • Estop – emergency stop signal;
  • Estop2 – second emergency stop signal, completely analogous to the first. Allows to simplify the wiring of the machine, if the alarm signals from the sensors have different levels of operation;
  • EstopMPG – emergency stop signal received from MPG pendant (hardware signal support required);
  • EstopSpindleOverload – emergency stop signal received by overloading the spindle (hardware signal support required);
  • Probing – signal from a probing sensor (material surface sensor);
  • Probing2 – additional probing sensor signal;
  • Probing3 – additional probing sensor signal;
  • Stop – signal "Stop" or "Collision", machine stop without loss of coordinates;
  • Door – an input signaling the open door of the protective cabin (It stops the execution of UP when triggered. It differs from the Stop input in that when the Door signal is active, G-commands can be executed manually through the MDI window and spindle control.);
  • START – signal "Start" of the G-code;
  • SpindleActive – spindle active input;
  • UserInput_0 - UserInput_14 – user input signals for use in PUMOTIX macros.

Output signals used in the milling module:

  • Mist – spray coolant supply signal;
  • Flood – signal for coolant supply by flooding;
  • EstopState – signals that the system is in the off state or in the emergency stop state;
  • IdleState – signals that the system is idle;
  • RunningState – signals that the system is busy and is moving along the path;
  • MillingModeActive – signals that the system is in the "Milling" mode;
  • PlasmaModeActive – signals that the system is in the "Plasma cutting" mode;
  • OxyModeActive – signals that the system is in the “Oxy-fuel cutting” mode;
  • ChargePump – presence of the Charge Pump signal;
  • SpindleCoolant – cooling start signal, triggered immediately after turning on the spindle;
  • SpindlePurge – purge start signal, triggered immediately after turning on the spindle;
  • UserOutput_1 - UserOutput_14 – user output signals for use in PUMOTIX macros.