What is better in PUMOTIX compared with other CNC systems

Last modified by writer on 2023/09/06 19:50

PUMOTIX CNC system is an innovative Russian product not inferior in capabilities to professional CNC systems of worldwide reputation. The software has simple and intuitive multi-language interface and variety of features allows to minimize reject and make work process fast and convenient.

General features:

  • client-server architecture provides agility of CNC configuration and control. You can control several CNC machines from one workplace;
  • efficient processing of large G-code files. G-code size is limited on modern computers by available RAM memory. Many other CNC systems hang or crash trying to load large G-code files.
  • innovative mathematical algorithm of 9D path interpolation supporting three path control modes:
    • ExactStop - exact trajectory passing with full stop in the corners - very slow but maximally accurate;
    • Exact Path - exact trajectory passing with maintaining maximal available velocity;
    • Continuous Velocity (CV) - maintaining maximal velocity on turns by deviation from path with specified tolerance which can be specified in G-code directly;
  • adaptive interface and sensor screen support provides convenience of working with the system on all modern PC;
  • 3D surface G-code visualization allows to view willing part's appearance on the preparation work stage;
  • advanced support for remote controls (remotes and even gamepads). Their agile configuration is available just out of box;
  • fast system response on G-code stop command without coordinates loss;
  • ability to continue G-code execution after stop even from middle of the G-code line;
  • several preparation move options to configure system behavior on G-code execution continuation;
  • automatic feedrate adjustment depending on stock's diameter when processing cylindrical surfaces;
  • loaded G-code's state is automatically stored between work sessions;
  • ability to execute custom macros on G-code execution start and stop;
  • G-code execution time calculation is performed considering feedrate override value;
  • product is actively developed, friendly technical support is available, in English as well.

Plasma cutting features:

  • Probe Radius allows to skip probing process and start piercing immediately if current position is within certain range from previous probing point; 
  • The Fast Approach quickly moves down in the beginning and then slows to accurately determine Z position; 
  • automatic slowdown on arcs improves cut quality in the corners and substantially reduces circles taper; 
  • when torch's arc fails or collision sensor triggers system instantly stops G-code execution and preserves the possibility to continue execution from that place what allows to finish contour and minimize reject;
  • Smart Burn feature allows to substantially extend consumables life raising nozzle tip over material after ArcOK to prevent possible damage from splashes of molten metal;
  • "Auto-Voltage mode" is available. It is used if the desired voltage is certainly unknown but torch-to-work distance is known. The actual voltage will be captured automatically after the start of XY-movement at a given torch-to-work distance;
  • instant response of the control system to changes in cutting parameters during g-code execution; 
  • convenient diagnosis of the causes of the THC locks; 
  • instant system response to most cnc machinist control actions; 
  • list of configurable THC locks are present (including turning lock on and off from g-code program e.g. at lead in and leadout); 
  • library of cutting presets for quick loading of cutting parameters when changing metal type or thickness; 
  • execution of the G-code in simulation mode (moves at XY plane without turning on the cutting head);
  • list of available THC modes:
    • torch height controller by Purelogic R&D (THC1 and other);
    • up/down mode (to support third-party THC controllers via UP and DOWN signals);
    • manual Z-height controller (cnc machinist shoud use keyboard shortcuts or cnc pendant controls).
Attention please

"Probe Radius" and "Probe Start Height" features allow you to reduce the total g-code execution time by up to two times in comparison with other CNC systems.

Gas (oxy-fuel) cutting features:

  • execution of the G-code in simulation mode (without ignition of the gas torch);
  • instant response of the control system to changes in cutting parameters during g-code execution;
  • smart control of metal preheating (automatic and manual preheating mode);
  • fully automatic control of shutoff valves (to minimize the possibility of cnc machinist error);
  • library of cutting presets for quick loading of cutting parameters when changing metal type or thickness;
  • list of available THC modes:
    • external standalone THC controller for gas cutting;
    • manual Z-height controller (cnc machinist shoud use keyboard shortcuts or cnc pendant controls).