Plasma Cutting (Background Operations)

Last modified by writer on 2023/09/08 19:07

bool Is_THC_Mode ()

Checks if PUMOTIX is in plasma cutting mode.

Return value:

  • true - if PUMOTIX is in plasma cutting mode;
  • false - if another mode is active.
number GetCurrentVoltage ()

Getting the current voltage value in plasma cutting mode.

Return value:

  • current voltage, V.
number GetDesiredVoltage ()

Obtaining the set value of the desired voltage in the plasma cutting mode.

Return value:

  • desired voltage, V.
void SetDesiredVoltage (number value)

Setting the desired voltage in plasma cutting mode.


  • number value - the desired voltage, V.
bool GetThcTorchOn ()

Allows you to check if the torch is on in plasma mode.

Return value:

  • true – if the torch is on in plasma mode.
bool UseOmichSensor ()

Allows you to check if the using ohmic sensor PLL-R2 is enabled in the Settings.

Return value:

  • true – if the using ohmic sensor PLL-R2 is enabled.
number GetOmichSensorDelta ()

Getting the dZ value specified in the settings of the ohmic sensor.

Return value:

  • dZ value specified in the settings of the ohmic sensor.
void SetOmichSensorDelta (number value)

Setting the dZ value for ohmic sensor.


  • number value – dZ value for ohmic sensor.