Axis Control (Background Operations)

Last modified by writer on 2023/06/07 16:35

number AxisGetPos (number axisId)

Getting the current working coordinate of the specified axis.


  • number axisId – axis number, an integer from 0 to 8 (one of the constants defined in the Axis list can be passed as this parameter).

Return value:

  • value of the current working coordinate of the specified axis.
number AxisGetMachinePos (number axisId)

Getting the current machine coordinate of the specified axis.


  • number axisId – axis number, an integer from 0 to 8 (one of the constants defined in the Axis list can be passed as this parameter).

Return value:

  • value of the current machine coordinate of the specified axis.
number GetCurFeedrate ()

Getting the current speed of movement.

Return value:

  • the module of the velocity vector in XYZ space.
number GetGCodeFeedrate ()

Getting the current speed of movement specified in the G-code.

Return value:

  • current speed of movement specified in the G-code.
number GetFeedrateOverridePercent ()

Getting the percentage of overriding the current speed of movement.

Return value:

  • percentage of the actual speed of movement from the set.
void SetFeedrateOverridePercent (number value)

Set the percentage of overriding the current speed of movement.


  • number value - the desired percentage of overriding the current speed of movement.
number GetRapidrateOverridePercent ()

Obtaining a percentage of redefining the current speed of rapid movement.

Return value:

  • percentage of the actual speed of idle crossings from a given.
void SetRapidrateOverridePercent(number value)

Set the percentage of overriding the current speed of rapid movement.


  • number value - the desired percentage of redefining the current speed of rapid movement.
bool IsAxisReferenced(number axisId)

Allows you to check whether the specified axis is homed.


  • number axisId - axis number, an integer from 0 to 8 (one of the constants defined in the Axis list can be passed as this parameter).

Return value:

  • true – if axis is homed;
  • false – if axis is not homed.
bool IsAxesMaskReferenced(number axesMask)

Allows you to check whether the homing has been performed for all axes defined by the axesMask mask.


  • number axesMask - axis mask, an integer in which bits from 0 to 8 indicate whether the corresponding axes are selected.

Return value:

  • true - if the homing was completed;
  • false - if the homing was not performed.
number GetJogOverridePercent(void)

Getting a jog override percent.

Return value:

  • a jog override percent.
void SetJogOverridePercent(number value)

Setting a jog override percent.


  • number value – a jog override percent of the commanded.