G43, G49: Tool length offset

Last modified by writer on 2023/09/07 15:17

G43 - enables tool length compensation.

The command changes subsequent motions by offsetting the axis coordinates by the length of the offset. You need a filled tool table and non-zero selected tool for correct command working.

The command does not cause any motion. The next time a compensated axis is moved, that axis’s endpoint is the compensated location.

A command call is required after each tool change operation.

G49 - cancels tool length compensation.

The command reset current toll length offset value. 

G43 and G49 example:
M6 T2 (tool change command, select tool №2)
G43 (apply tool change offset)
G0 X10 Y5 Z0 (fast linear interpolation)
G1 Z-2 (linear interpolation commands)
G1 X5 Y10
G1 Z10
M6 T1 (tool change command, select tool №1)
G43 (apply tool change offset)
G0 X20 Y5 Z0 (fast linear interpolation)
G1 Z-2 (linear interpolation commands)
G1 X15 Y10
G1 Z10
M6 T3 (tool change command, select tool №3)
G49 (reset tool length offset)