G73: Chip Drilling Cycle

Last modified by writer on 2022/11/02 14:13

G73 X- Y- Z- R- Q- <L->

  • R – retract position along the Z axis;
  • Q – delta increment along the Z axis;
  • L – repeat count.

The G73 cycle is drilling or milling with chip breaking. This cycle takes a Q number which represents a delta increment along the Z axis.

  1. Preliminary motion:
    If the current Z position is below the R position, The Z axis does a rapid move to the R position.
    Move to the X Y coordinates.
  2. Move the Z-axis only at the current feed rate downward by delta or to the Z position, whichever is less deep.
  3. Rapid up a bit.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the Z position is reached at step 2.
  5. The Z axis does a rapid move to the R position.
It is an error if:
  • the Q number is negative or zero;
  • the R number is not specified.