G82: Drill Cycle with Pause

Last modified by writer on 2023/09/01 17:40

G82 (X- Y- Z-) or (U- V- W-) R- L- P-

The G82 cycle is intended for drilling with a dwell at the bottom of the hole. The motion of a G82 canned cycle looks just like G81 with the addition of a dwell at the bottom of the Z move. The length of the dwell is specified by a​​​​​​​ P- word in the G82 block.

The cycle includes  the following actions:

  1. Preliminary movement described in the section «Canned Cycles».
  2. Move the Z axis with the current feedrate to Z position.
  3. Dwell for the P number of seconds.
  4. The Z-axis does a rapid move to clear Z.