G98, G99: Z-level Return Mode in Canned Cycles

Last modified by writer on 2023/02/09 18:34

G98 – return to the position in which the axis was before a series of one or more canned cycles began.

G99 – return to the position defined by the canned cycle parameter R.

When the G98 command is issued, the canned cycle will use the Z position before the beginning of the canned cycle as the return level if this value is greater than the parameter R. Otherwise, the parameter R.

G98 example:
G0 X1 Y2 Z3
G90 G98 G81 X4 Y5 Z-0.6 R1.8 F10

G98 mode is reset when exiting a canned cycle, explicit (G80) or implicit (any other move command). Switching between different canned cycles does not reset the G98 mode. In a series of canned cycles, you can switch between modes G98 and G99.