Homing (Search for Home)
void DoHoming()
Performing homing simultaneously for all axes. The function returns control after the homing of all axes is completed.
void DoAxisHoming(number axisId)
Perform homing for the specified axis.
- number axisId – axis number, an integer from 0 to 8 (one of the constants defined in the Axes list can be passed as this parameter).
void DoAxesMaskHoming(number axesMask)
Performs a base search simultaneously for the axes defined by the axesMask mask.
- number axesMask – axis mask, an integer in which bits from 0 to 8 indicate whether the corresponding axes are selected.
bool IsAxisReferenced(number axisId)
Allows you to check whether the home is searched on the specified axis.
- number axisId – axis number, an integer from 0 to 8 (one of the constants defined in the Axes list can be passed as this parameter).
Return value:
- true – if homing is performed;
- false – if homing is not performed.
bool IsAxesMaskReferenced(number axesMask)
Allows you to check whether the homing has been performed for all axes defined by the axesMask mask.
- number axesMask – axis mask, an integer in which bits from 0 to 8 indicate whether the corresponding axes are selected.
Return value:
- true – if homing is completed;
- false – if homing is not performed.
void RefAllForced()
Allows you to forcefully mark all axes as homing done.
void RefAxisForced(number axisId)
Allows you to forcefully mark specified axis as homing done.
- number axisId – axis number, an integer from 0 to 8 (one of the constants defined in the Axes list can be passed as this parameter).
void RefAxesMaskForced(number axesMask)
Allows you to forcefully mark axes specified by the axesMask as homing done.
- number axesMask – axis mask, an integer in which bits from 0 to 8 indicate whether the corresponding axes are selected.
number GetHomeType()
Allows you to check selected homing type from settings.
Return value:
- integer number denoting the selected homing type (0 - Z axis homing, then simultaneous homing of other axes; 1 - sequential homing staring from the Z axis; 2 - simultaneous homing of all axes).