Wiki source code of Пробинг

Last modified by writer on 2023/09/08 18:38

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writer 2.1 1 ===== number GetGeneralProbeFeed() =====
writer 1.1 2
writer 2.2 3 Getting the material search speed specified in the parameters of the milling mode.
writer 1.1 4
writer 2.2 5 Return value:
writer 1.1 6
writer 2.2 7 * material search speed, mm/min.
writer 1.1 8
writer 2.1 9 ===== number GetGeneralTipHeight() =====
writer 1.1 10
writer 2.2 11 Obtaining a correction for the height of the probing sensor specified in the parameters of the milling mode.
writer 1.1 12
writer 2.2 13 Return value:
writer 1.1 14
writer 2.2 15 * correction for the height of the probe probe, mm (default value: 0).
writer 1.1 16
writer 2.1 17 ===== number GetGeneralTipDiam() =====
writer 1.1 18
writer 2.2 19 Obtaining a diameter of the stylus tip during horizontal probing specified in the parameters of the milling mode.
writer 1.1 20
writer 2.2 21 Return value:
writer 1.1 22
writer 2.2 23 * stylus tip diameter, mm (default value: 0).
writer 1.1 24
writer 2.1 25 ===== bool UseProbingPosition() =====
writer 1.1 26
writer 2.2 27 Allows you to check if the XY probe position is enabled in the settings.
writer 1.1 28
writer 2.2 29 Return value:
writer 1.1 30
writer 2.2 31 * true – if probe position coords specified.
writer 1.1 32
writer 2.1 33 ===== number GetProbingPosition(number axisId) =====
writer 1.1 34
writer 2.2 35 Getting the machine coordinate of the probing sensor along the specified axis.
writer 1.1 36
writer 2.2 37 Options:
writer 1.1 38
writer 2.2 39 * number axisId –axis number, an integer from 0 to 8 (one of the constants defined in the **[[Axes>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание M-кодов.Описание функций макроязыка.Управление осями.WebHome]] **list can be passed as this parameter).
writer 1.1 40
writer 2.2 41 Return value:
writer 1.1 42
writer 2.2 43 * the machine coord of probing sensor along the specified axis.
writer 1.1 44
writer 2.1 45 ===== number GetSensorType() =====
writer 1.1 46
writer 2.2 47 Getting the type of probing sensor specified in the probing settings.
writer 1.1 48
writer 2.2 49 Return value:
writer 1.1 50
writer 2.2 51 * an integer corresponding to the probe type.