Last modified by writer on 2023/09/08 18:38

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writer 6.1 1 ===== number SpindleGetCurRPM() =====
knetyaga 1.1 2
writer 6.1 3 Getting the current spindle speed.
knetyaga 1.1 4
writer 6.1 5 Return value:
knetyaga 1.1 6
writer 6.1 7 * current spindle speed, rpm.
knetyaga 1.1 8
writer 6.1 9 ===== number GetGCodeSpindleRPM() =====
abolgov 3.1 10
writer 6.1 11 Getting the current spindle speed specified in the G-code.
abolgov 3.1 12
writer 6.1 13 Return value:
abolgov 3.1 14
writer 6.1 15 * current spindle speed specified in the G-code, rpm.
abolgov 3.1 16
writer 6.1 17 ===== number SpindleGetOverridePercent() =====
knetyaga 1.1 18
writer 6.1 19 Obtaining a percentage of overriding the current spindle speed.
knetyaga 1.1 20
writer 6.1 21 Return value:
knetyaga 1.1 22
writer 6.1 23 * the percentage that the actual spindle speed is from the specified.
knetyaga 1.1 24
writer 6.1 25 ===== void SpindleStartCW() =====
knetyaga 1.1 26
writer 6.1 27 Turn on the spindle clockwise.
knetyaga 1.1 28
writer 6.1 29 ===== void SpindleStartCCW() =====
knetyaga 1.1 30
writer 6.1 31 Turn on spindle rotation counterclockwise.
knetyaga 1.1 32
writer 6.1 33 ===== void SpindleStartCWRPM(number rpm) =====
knetyaga 1.1 34
writer 6.1 35 Turns on the spindle clockwise at the indicated rotation speed.
knetyaga 1.1 36
writer 6.1 37 Options:
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writer 6.1 39 * number rpm – desired spindle rotation speed.
knetyaga 1.1 40
writer 6.1 41 ===== void SpindleStartCCWRPM(number rpm) =====
knetyaga 1.1 42
writer 6.1 43 Turns on the spindle counterclockwise at the indicated rotation speed.
knetyaga 1.1 44
writer 6.1 45 Options:
knetyaga 1.1 46
writer 6.1 47 * number rpm – desired spindle rotation speed.
knetyaga 1.1 48
writer 6.1 49 ===== void SpindleStop() =====
knetyaga 1.1 50
writer 6.1 51 Stop spindle rotation.
abolgov 3.1 52
writer 6.1 53 ===== bool GetSpindleAutoStop() =====
abolgov 3.1 54
writer 6.1 55 Allows you to check if the option to automatically turn off the spindle when stopping the G-code execution is active.
abolgov 3.1 56
writer 6.1 57 Return value:
abolgov 3.1 58
writer 6.1 59 * true – if automatic spindle turn off when G-code execution is stopped is active.