Macro for generating a height map

Last modified by writer on 2024/07/11 12:09

For certain tasks (for example, PCB milling) it becomes necessary to scan the surface with subsequent correction of unevenness in Z.

A height map is prepared using a macro (show example below) and the G-code is modified based on this height map.

You can generate a G-code with new coordinates, for example, in the G-Code Ripper program.

function m155()
local XWidth = 70
local YWidth = 50
local SafeZ  = 3
local ProbeZ = -3
local StepX  = 15
local StepY  = 15
local Feed   = 50
local TipHeight = 0
local ProbeFilename = "C:\temp\probe.txt"


if (IsProbingPinConfigured()) then
 -- open the file
 file, msg =, "w")
 if (file == nil) then
  DisplayMessage("Could not open probe output file ("..msg..")")
 ExecuteMDI("G90 G38.2 Z-100")
 -- set the current location to 0,0,0
 ExecuteMDI("G92 X0Y0Z0")
 ExecuteMDI("G0 Z"..SafeZ)
 local direction = 0
 for y = 0, YWidth, StepY do
  if (direction == 1) then
   direction = 0
   direction = 1
  for x = 0, XWidth, StepX do
   if (direction == 1) then
    ExecuteMDI("G0 X"..x.." Y"..y.." Z"..SafeZ)
    ExecuteMDI("G0 X"..(XWidth - x).." Y"..y.." Z"..SafeZ)
   ExecuteMDI("G38.2 Z"..ProbeZ)
   ExecuteMDI("G0 Z"..SafeZ)
 if (direction == 1) then
  ExecuteMDI("G0 X"..XWidth.." Y"..YWidth.." Z"..SafeZ)
  ExecuteMDI("G0 X".."0".." Y"..YWidth.." Z"..SafeZ)
 local HighZ = 5
 ExecuteMDI("G0 Z"..HighZ)
 ExecuteMDI("G0 X0Y0")
 DisplayMessage("Probe input is not configured")

function LogCurrentPos(tipHeight)
local CurrX = AxisGetPos(Axis.X)
local CurrY = AxisGetPos(Axis.Y)
local CurrZ = AxisGetPos(Axis.Z)

local fmt = "%.5f"
file:write(string.format(fmt, CurrX)..","..string.format(fmt, CurrY)..","..string.format(fmt, CurrZ - tipHeight), "\n")

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