Basic M-code for Milling

Last modified by writer on 2023/02/09 19:19

The list of basic M-codes using in the Milling module.

M-CodeEditing possibleDescription
M0/M1noProgram pause. Pauses execution of the G code until the Start button is pressed.
M3/M4yesSwitching spindle ON
M5yesSwitching spindle OFF
M6 Tool change command. More details...
M7noActivating mist cooling.
M8noActivating flood cooling.
M9noTurn off cooling.
M10noCommand to enable general purpose output. The output number is determined by parameter P. For example, M10 P0 - enable UserOutput_0. The commands works without delay, slowdown or stop moving axes.
M11noCommand to disable general purpose output. The output number is determined by parameter P. For example, M11 P5 - shutdown UserOutput_5. The command works without delays, slowing down or stopping the movement of the axes.
M30noEnd of program.
M94noCommand to set the workpiece diameter. Diameter value in determined by parameter P. For example, M94 P15 - setting the diameter value 15 units (depends on the units selected in the program and G-code).
M114yesMacro search home. It is performed when you click on the button "Send to home and reset."
M115yesMacro probing. The direction of probing is passed as a parameter. More details...
M116yesMove to safe Z height.
M1000yesMacro that runs when you click the Start button.
M1001yesA macro that is executed when the Stop button is pressed during the execution of the G-code and at the end of the execution of the G-code.