Changes for page Блоки управления ЧПУ CNC86-E4-2R2.2 и CNC86-E6-2R2.2
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... ... @@ -1,17 +4,8 @@ 1 -(% class="auto-cursor-target" %) 2 - 3 - 4 4 (% class="relative-table" style="width:100%" %) 5 -|=(% colspan="4" style="text-align: center;" %)((( 6 -Список опций, включенных в лицензию 7 -))) 2 +|=(% colspan="4" style="text-align: center;" %)List of included features 8 8 |1|ER-00013073|**[[Unlimited motors>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание опций.Количество независимых двигателей.WebHome]]**|The option allows you to use as many motors as the current controller can support. 9 -|2|ER-00013074|Idle speed adjustment|((( 10 -[[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G0**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G0-G10.G0: Ускоренное линейное перемещение||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%) moves are always performed at maximum speed, but this is not always convenient, especially when debugging a control program. This option allows you to redefine the speed of idle crossings ([[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G0**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G0-G10.G0: Ускоренное линейное перемещение||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%)) during the operation of the machine, without resorting to editing the parameters of the axes. 11 -))) 12 -|3|ER-00013095|Coordinate system rotation by G-code|((( 13 -Feature allows to use special G-code which rotates coordinate system by specified angle. The coordinate system alignment module allows to rotate the machine coordinate system in the XY plane if the workpiece is mounted on a table not strictly parallel to the machine axes. The alignment operation is carried out at two points on one side of the workpiece or by entering the value of the angle of rotation of the coordinate system. Most applicable for thermal cutting of sheet material. Without this option, the use of coordinate system rotation in the [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G10**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G0-G10.G10 L2: Установка смещения начала координат||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%) command is not available. 14 -))) 4 +|2|ER-00013074|Idle speed adjustment|[[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G0**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G0-G10.G0: Ускоренное линейное перемещение||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%) moves are always performed at maximum speed, but this is not always convenient, especially when debugging a control program. This option allows you to redefine the speed of idle crossings ([[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G0**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G0-G10.G0: Ускоренное линейное перемещение||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%)) during the operation of the machine, without resorting to editing the parameters of the axes. 5 +|3|ER-00013095|Coordinate system rotation by G-code|Feature allows to use special G-code which rotates coordinate system by specified angle. The coordinate system alignment module allows to rotate the machine coordinate system in the XY plane if the workpiece is mounted on a table not strictly parallel to the machine axes. The alignment operation is carried out at two points on one side of the workpiece or by entering the value of the angle of rotation of the coordinate system. Most applicable for thermal cutting of sheet material. Without this option, the use of coordinate system rotation in the [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G10**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G0-G10.G10 L2: Установка смещения начала координат||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%) command is not available. 15 15 |4|ER-00013098|Permission to use axes U, V and W|The feature allows the use of additional linear axes U, V and W. These axes can be used to control the rigging of the machine and other auxiliary movements. Caution, the U, V, and W axes do not support circular interpolation. 16 16 |5|ER-00013100|Quick start G-Code from an arbitrary line|The time spent on preparing the trajectory planner to run from an arbitrary line will be significantly less. The larger the file, the greater the effect of this feature. Recommended for milling machines. 17 17 |6|ER-00013075|Performing G-Code backwards|The feature allows running the G-Code in any direction from any line in the backward direction. In case of emergency, this function will help you to easily go back a little, moving strictly along the trajectory, so that you can continue processing later. ... ... @@ -33,21 +33,19 @@ 33 33 {{/error}} 34 34 ))) 35 35 |12|ER-00013081|**[[Connection of several Clients to one Server>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание опций.Подключение нескольких Клиентов к одному Серверу.WebHome]]**|By default, only one Client (graphical user interface) can be connected to the Server (control part). This option allows you to connect 2 or more Clients to the same Server, both local (running within the same computer) and remote (running on different computers in the local or global network). The first connected gets full control at once, the rest only reads with the ability to get password control. 36 -|13|ER-00013079|Drilling Cycle Support|((( 37 -Option allows to use all supported drilling cycles. The option is required to use [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G73**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G40-G79.G73: Цикл сверления со стружкодроблением||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%), [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G81**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G80-G89\: Постоянные циклы.G81: Цикл сверления||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%), (% style="color:#a0be2d; text-align:left" %)//**G82**//(%%), [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G83**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G80-G89\: Постоянные циклы.G83: Цикл глубокого сверления||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%), [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G85**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G80-G89\: Постоянные циклы.G85: Цикл растачивания с отводом на рабочей подаче||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%), [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G89**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G80-G89\: Постоянные циклы.G89: Цикл растачивания с паузой и отводом на рабочей подаче||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%) commands. 38 -))) 27 +|13|ER-00013079|Drilling Cycle Support|Option allows to use all supported drilling cycles. The option is required to use [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G73**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G40-G79.G73: Цикл сверления со стружкодроблением||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%), [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G81**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G80-G89\: Постоянные циклы.G81\: Цикл сверления.WebHome||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%), [[(% style="color:#a0be2d; text-align:left" %)//**G82**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G80-G89\: Постоянные циклы.G82\: Цикл сверления с паузой.WebHome]](%%), [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G83**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G80-G89\: Постоянные циклы.G83: Цикл глубокого сверления||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%), [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G85**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G80-G89\: Постоянные циклы.G85: Цикл растачивания с отводом на рабочей подаче||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%), [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G89**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G80-G89\: Постоянные циклы.G89: Цикл растачивания с паузой и отводом на рабочей подаче||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%) commands. 39 39 |14|ER-00013084|Auto Tool Change|((( 40 -Automatic tool change on CNC machines is performed by special mechanisms with a high response speed for maximum process optimization without operator intervention. This option improves productivity, helps reduce downtime and the time it takes to change a tool. The tool change algorithm can be changed by editing the ( (% style="color:#8d69b2" %)**M6**(%%))macro as you like.29 +Automatic tool change on CNC machines is performed by special mechanisms with a high response speed for maximum process optimization without operator intervention. This option improves productivity, helps reduce downtime and the time it takes to change a tool. The tool change algorithm can be changed by editing the (% style="color:#8d69b2" %)**M6**(%%) macro as you like. 41 41 42 42 {{error title="**Attention!**"}} 43 43 The feature allow you to edit the tool change macro ((% style="color: rgb(141,105,178);" %)**M6**(%%))! **Doesn't require** the active feature "Create and edit macros"! 44 44 {{/error}} 45 45 ))) 46 -|15|ER-00013085|Automatical spinle speed overriding|When the feature is turned on a spindle speed override coefficient will be automatically adjusted when a feed rate override coefficient is changed to keep cutting speed constant. This feature is only compatible with milling machines and does not support threading. 35 +|15|ER-00013085|Automatical spindle speed overriding|When the feature is turned on a spindle speed override coefficient will be automatically adjusted when a feed rate override coefficient is changed to keep cutting speed constant. This feature is only compatible with milling machines and does not support threading. 47 47 |16|ER-00013083|Multi-axis continuous machining|((( 48 48 With multi-axis continuous machining, the rotary axes work continuously, together with the linear axes. Strategies for continuous multi-axis machining of parts allow machining of products with the side surface of the cutter, the end surface of the cutter, at a given angle of the cutter to the surface being machined. 49 49 50 50 {{info}} 51 -Includes the "Rotary axis A in index mode" and the"Multi-axis index processing" options. 40 +Includes the "Rotary axis A in index mode" and the "Multi-axis index processing" options. 52 52 {{/info}} 53 53 )))