Last modified by writer on 2023/09/12 16:39

From version 2.1
edited by writer
on 2023/06/06 18:53
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 1.1
edited by writer
on 2022/11/24 19:07
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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... ... @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
25 25  |11|ER-00013081|**[[Connection of several Clients to one Server>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание опций.Подключение нескольких Клиентов к одному Серверу.WebHome]]**|By default, only one Client (graphical user interface) can be connected to the Server (control part). This option allows you to connect 2 or more Clients to the same Server, both local (running within the same computer) and remote (running on different computers in the local or global network). The first connected gets full control at once, the rest only reads with the ability to get password control.
26 26  |12|ER-00013079|Drilling Cycle Support|Option allows to use all supported drilling cycles. The option is required to use [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G73**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G40-G79.G73: Цикл сверления со стружкодроблением||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%), [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G81**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G80-G89\: Постоянные циклы.G81: Цикл сверления||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%), (% style="color:#a0be2d; text-align:left" %)//**G82**//(%%), [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G83**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G80-G89\: Постоянные циклы.G83: Цикл глубокого сверления||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%), [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G85**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G80-G89\: Постоянные циклы.G85: Цикл растачивания с отводом на рабочей подаче||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%), [[(% style="color:#a0be2d" %)//**G89**//>>doc:Руководство пользователя.Описание G-кодов.Список G-кодов, поддерживаемых системой.G80-G89\: Постоянные циклы.G89: Цикл растачивания с паузой и отводом на рабочей подаче||shape="rect" style="text-decoration: none;text-align: left;"]](%%) commands.
27 27  |13|ER-00013084|Auto Tool Change|(((
28 -Automatic tool change on CNC machines is performed by special mechanisms with a high response speed for maximum process optimization without operator intervention. This option improves productivity, helps reduce downtime and the time it takes to change a tool. The tool change algorithm can be changed by editing the (% style="color:#8d69b2" %)**M6**(%%) macro as you like.
28 +Automatic tool change on CNC machines is performed by special mechanisms with a high response speed for maximum process optimization without operator intervention. This option improves productivity, helps reduce downtime and the time it takes to change a tool. The tool change algorithm can be changed by editing the ((% style="color:#8d69b2" %)**M6**(%%)) macro as you like.
29 29  
30 30  {{error title="**Attention!**"}}
31 31  The feature allow you to edit the tool change macro ((% style="color: rgb(141,105,178);" %)**M6**(%%))! **Doesn't require** the active feature "Create and edit macros"!