Oxy-Fuel Cutting Parameter Library

Last modified by writer on 2023/09/12 14:57

PUMOTIX allows you to create, edit, save and apply oxy-fuel cutting process parameter sets in the cutting parameter library for various materials. Each set of parameters is a process. Each process is stored under a name defined by the operator, usually characterizing the type of metal, thickness, etc.

Oxy-fuel cutting parameter library

Oxy-fuel cutting parameter library

The transition to the library is carried out using the “Open Library” button in the block of “Cutting Process Control” elements located at the bottom of the “Process Parameters” tab. The “Save Preset” button overwrites all parameters of the last selected process with the values ​​of the current cutting parameters. A quick save to the current process is usually necessary when making minor adjustments to the parameters obtained as a result of the experiments. The “Save as New” button allows you to save the entire current set of cutting parameters into a new separate process. A new process will be created automatically, saved to the parameter library and selected as the current oxy-fuel cutting process.

Library Process Operations Block

Library Process Operations Block

A quick selection of the process stored in the library is available both from the main work tab of the program (tab "Workflow Process"), and from the tab "Cutting Process Control". Using the “Selected Preset” drop-down list, the process with the parameters necessary for the current task can be loaded. There is no need to go to the parameter library to select a previously known process, since the drop-down list significantly reduces the time and number of actions of the CNC operator.

Quick process selection from the list

Quick process selection from the list

Import library

If the system previously used a gas cutting module (THC 2.0 screenset) for Mach3 manufactured by Purelogic, then import (transfer) of the gas cutting parameters library from Mach3 can be performed.

The first time you start the PUMOTIX Oxy-fuel cutting module, the parameters will be automatically imported from Mach3. You can import the library manually using the “Import” button in the lower left corner of the PUMOTIX parameter library. In the dialog box that appears, select *.xml - the file with the desired library.

Library process management

The parameter library window is divided into 4 parts: a list with presets available, a preset control unit, cutting parameters and time delays.

The process control unit allows you to perform the following functions:

  • process creation (with a user name or a default name);
  • renaming a process;
  • creating a copy of the selected process;
  • process removal;
  • automatic replacement of selected parameters for all processes.

When you hover over a button with an image of a function, a tooltip will appear in the form of a pop-up notification.

To quickly replace a parameter or delay with a new value in each process, you do not need to manually select each process, edit it and save it with a new parameter. To automate the substitution of parameters for all processes, AutoCorrect mode is used. When you click on the corresponding button in the process control block, a dialog box opens with the ability to select the necessary parameters for replacement. For example, for each process of the library it is required to set the value of the height of single moves - 20 units. To do this, any process is selected, the required value of 20 is set in the field “Height of idle crossings” and the menu of auto-replace parameters is called up. Having checked the required parameter, after clicking the “Replace” button, all library processes will be automatically overwritten with the selected value “Height of idle moves, units” = 20. Automatic replacement of parameters at a time can be done for any number of parameters and time delays.

Quick change of parameters for all library processes

Quick change of parameters for all library processes