Supported Motors count

Last modified by writer on 2022/08/25 19:49

There are three licensing features for the used motors:

  1. Basic set (3 motors).
  2. One additional motor (4 motors).
  3. Unlimited motors1.

Basic Set

Basic options set is free and includes the connection of up to three motors (max value: 3 motors). More about configure motors: "Motors".

One additional motor

The purchase of the "One additional motor" option will enable the connection of one more motor in addition to the basic set (max value: 4 motors).


Feature can be used only once. If the feature is already included in the package, then a separate purchase of the same feature is not possible. If you need more than 4 engines, use the "Unlimited motors number" option instead.

Unlimited motors

This option opens access to all the controller's capabilities regarding motor settings. The max value will be limited only by the controller's capabilities.

  1. ^ Максимальное значение в данном случае будет ограничено только аппаратными возможностями конкретного контроллера перемещений (см. руководство пользователя на контроллер).