Spindle Control

Last modified by writer on 2023/02/09 19:53

number SpindleGetCurRPM()

Getting the current spindle speed.

Return value:

  • current spindle speed, rpm.
number GetGCodeSpindleRPM()

Getting the current spindle speed specified in the G-code.

Return value:

  • current spindle speed specified in the G-code, rpm.
number SpindleGetOverridePercent()

Obtaining a percentage of overriding the current spindle speed.

Return value:

  • the percentage that the actual spindle speed is from the specified.
void SpindleStartCW()

Turn on the spindle clockwise.

void SpindleStartCCW()

Turn on spindle rotation counterclockwise.

void SpindleStartCWRPM(number rpm)

Turns on the spindle clockwise at the indicated rotation speed.


  • number rpm – desired spindle rotation speed.
void SpindleStartCCWRPM(number rpm)

Turns on the spindle counterclockwise at the indicated rotation speed.


  • number rpm – desired spindle rotation speed.
void SpindleStop()

Stop spindle rotation.

bool GetSpindleAutoStop()

Allows you to check if the option to automatically turn off the spindle when stopping the G-code execution is active.

Return value:

  • true – if automatic spindle turn off when G-code execution is stopped is active.