Basic M-codes for Oxy-Fuel Cutting Module

Last modified by writer on 2022/11/03 12:55

The list of standard M-codes includes:

M0/M1Program pause. Pauses execution of the G-code until the Start button is pressed. It is ignored when the option “Ignore pause M1” is selected in the settings.

Sequentially executes a set of routines:

  1. search for material zero (if required by the selected mode and settings);
  2. rises to the pierce height (or working height depending on the module);
  3. includes a torch (ignition + heating + cutting oxygen according to the description of the cutting process).
M5Turns off the cutting torch (and the heating torch, if the option "Do not disable heating according to M05" is not activated), raises the torch to a safe height.
M100Performs a material search (probing) and zeroing of the Z coordinate taking into account the parameter "Probing radius".
M101Initializing macro. Resets the coordinates of the last point in X and Y at which the material was searched. Performs a climb to a safe height.
M102Searches for material. It is used only by clicking on the “Probing” button in the module interface. The post-processor does not insert this M-command into the G-code.
M103Enables height adjustment lock Z. The macro works without delay, slowing down, or stopping axes.
M104It disables the height adjustment lock Z. The macro works without delay, slowing down or stopping the movement of the axes.
M106-М111System macros associated with specific buttons of the gas cutting module.
M1000Macro that runs when you click the Start button.
M1001A macro that is executed when the Stop button is pressed during the execution of the G-code and at the end of the execution of the G-code.

Range for writing custom macros: М120-М199. The range М0-М99, as well as М100-М119 is allocated for standard macros used in PUMOTIX. It is not recommended to create custom macros in this range, if necessary, you can edit existing ones.