M-codes (Macros) info

Last modified by writer on 2022/11/03 11:47

PUMOTIX supports the execution of macros (M-codes) directly from the control program. There is support for standard and custom macros (on how to write macros).

In PUMOTIX, macros are written in the Lua language and are called from a G-code or a manual G-code input line using M-codes. Each macro is stored in its own file with the extension *.pm. The contents of the file can be accessed through the "Macros and Background Operations Manager".

For custom macros, the M120 to M199 range of M-codes is available. At the same time, the range M0 – M99, as well as M100 – M119 is allocated for standard macros used in PUMOTIX (it is not recommended to create your own macros in this range, but you can edit existing ones if necessary).

Detailed description of macros: