How to Request a License?

Last modified by writer on 2022/09/21 14:41

All license information, including available, active and inactive features, their expiration dates and owner data, is available in the PUMOTIX License Manager window.

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License manager

You can enter the window in two ways:

  1. “Configuration” → “License Manager”.
  2. “Configuration” → “Settings” → “General” → “License Manager” (lower right field of the window).

Make sure that your controller is connected and selected in the program as a used device to display up-to-date information.More details...
If the selected device is a Simulator, you will not be able to perform the actions described below.

To obtain a license for the selected options, you must click the "Request License" button (located in the middle right), after which a window will open containing the license request code.

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You can copy it manually or use the copy button located to the right of the field containing the request code.

After copying through the button, the corresponding inscription will appear in the window.

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How to apply a license?