View and export statistics

Last modified by writer on 2024/08/08 13:42

Select "Statistics" in the "Configuration" menu to view and export statistics.


For the convenience of users, the statistics data in the window are divided into groups according to the types of indicators: these are time indicators, distance indicators and quantitative indicators.

Plasma or Oxyfuel Module Statistics

Plasma or Oxyfuel Module Statistics

The following information is displayed in the "Time Indicators" group:

  • total operating time of the controller;
  • total standby time (standby mode - the time when the machine is turned on, but does not execute G-сode (NC));
  • total G-code execution time;
  • total time with the torch on in gas mode;
  • total time with the torch switched on in plasma mode.

In the "Distance indicators" group:

  • the distance traveled by each of the 6 motors (motor index corresponds to the number in the motors settings);
  • total distance in the XY plane;
  • total distance in the XY plane in gas mode with the torch switched on in gas mode;
  • the total distance in the XY plane in gas mode with the torch switched on in plasma mode.

In the "Quantitative indicators" group:

  • count of plasma arc ignitions (all attempts are taken into account);
  • count of gas arc ignitions (all attempts are counted).

Provided that the plasma or oxyfuel module is running, statistics related to both the oxyfuel cutting module and the plasma cutting module will be displayed. The indicators related to plasma and oxyfuel will not be displayed when one of the milling modules is running.

Milling Module Statistics

Milling Module Statistics

The "Export" button allows you to upload statistics on the controller. The window will open with the ability to select the future location of the file. The file will be saved in the ". csv" format. All data will be unloaded regardless of the module.

Statistics are collected for the following indicators starting from version 3.4.2:

  • total distance in the XY plane in gas mode with the torch on in gas mode;
  • total time with the torch on in gas mode;
  • total time with the torch switched on in plasma mode.